Frequently Asked Questions

Tigit Motorbikes has offices in Ho Chi Minh, DalatDanang and Hanoi. Pickup from one office and returning at another. It is an easy and fluid process.
It takes Tigit around 10 days to move a motorbike from one office to another. Failing to return to your contracted city can be a logistics disaster for the company.

It takes Tigit around 10 days to move a motorbike from one office to another. Failing to return to your contracted city can be a logistics disaster for the company.

  • Tigit charges $50 for returning in the wrong city with 7 days prior notification
  • Tigit charges $100 for returning in the wrong city without notification.

The fees will be waived if you request a motorbike rental extension and it is approved by a member of staff.

The fees will be waived if a member of staff feels your change of plans is causing no additional logistics or transport costs to the company. This usually applies to scenarios related to a change from a small city to a big city. For example, changing from returning in Dalat to Ho Chi Minh is unlikely to cause the company transport costs. A staff will waive the “wrong city return fee“.

Returning in a location that is not a Tigit location (such as a train station) will be charged as three days from the drop-off date.

Plan the holiday carefully, using rest days (recommended at least once every four days of driving). If you are not going to reach the return city please let us know so we can try and build a contingency plan.

Returning in a location that is not a Tigit location (such as a train station) will be charged as three days from the drop-off date.

Plan the holiday carefully, using rest days (recommended at least once every four days of driving). If you are not going to reach the return city please let us know so we can try and build a contingency plan.

HCM to Danang, or Hanoi to Danang usually takes 7-10 days.
HCM to Hanoi usually takes 15-25 days.
HCM to Hanoi is possible in 10 days, but very few clients successfully do this.

We refund early returns, so please book for the maximum length of time that you might use the bike. When you return early, we will refund the remaining days.
We link returns to bookings closely, so trying to “extend your rental” may not be possible, and if you extend without notifying us, it may cause another traveler to not have a bike waiting. Don’t be the person who destroys someone else’s holiday.

Returning a motorbike early at Tigit is free, and we will refund all the remaining days if you return in the correct location.
We will charge a minimum of 3 days of rent. (For example, if you book a motorbike for 1 month, then return after 1 day, we will charge for 3 days).

Returning in a location that is not a Tigit location (such as a train station) will be charged as three days from the drop-off date plus $10 USD pickup fee if we need to send staff to collect the bike from the train station.

Please be respectful and notify Tigit in advance if you are not going to make it to your return destination. It may cause another traveler to miss their booking. This is an adventure holiday, and you must book with the intent to complete your journey.

Tigit Refund calculation

Tigit prices are based on an algorithm, the full price list can be seen on our prices page. Note, that the price gets cheaper over time, it is not based on “per day”. The refund amount might be less than you expect!

Returning late

Extensions are usually possible with five days of notice in advance. However, with our early return policy of refunding early returns, we encourage you to book the maximum possible time that you might need the motorbike. This avoids issues with us overbooking motorbikes.

Bookings at Tigit are taken seriously. Returning late or to a city not on the original contract can cause us to miss bookings. We charge $100 or more for returning late if it causes us to miss a booking.
Please be respectful to Tigit and to future clients and let us know when plans are changing.

Email us: for extensions.

Book the maximum duration possible
We have flexible early returns, and so encourage travelers to book for the maximum duration possible, and then to return early for a refund. This is better than booking the minimum duration and then trying to extend.

If you do wish to extend, please email in advance and we will let you know if the motorbike is still available for an extension.

Pricing calculator for refunds

Optional Damage Waiver

The Tigit Damage Waiver removes all responsibility of the customer from damages to the rental motorbike. Tigit will pay all damages that occur to the bike during the rental duration.

The Tigit Damage Waiver covers all damages to the Motorbike in the result of a crash.
1. Go to a mechanic shop.

2. Call Tigit Support for translation.

3. Keep the receipt. This will be refunded upon return of the motorbike.

Note: To use the Tigit Damage Waiver please inform us of any damages to the motorbike in advance to (include as many pictures as possible).
We don’t mind clients crashing our motorbikes, but giving us time to order parts in vitally important for our logistics. The damage Waiver will be void if the client fails to notify us of part damage before return.


  • For Per Day Rentals, the customer must select to upgrade all days of their motorbike rental, this includes returning late or extensions.
  • For Long Distance Travel Packets, returning the motorbike late without damage waiver extension will void any damage cover.
  • The Damage Waiver is non-refundable. but if you return early, we will calculate the damage waiver refund along with the rent.

Damage Waiver does not cover:

3rd party damages

Personal injury


Loss of bluecard / bluecard package we give clients

Loss of spare parts such as clutch plates and inner-tubes

The use of clutch plates or innertubes. Please see here for information on clutch plate damage and our position.

Damages through flooding, fire damage, vandalism

Transport of motorbike to a Tigit office

Flat tires and oil changes

Luggage racks, including damaged or lost top and side boxes. This includes any personal belongings inside the lost boxes.

How to claim:

Providing the motorbike is returned to Tigit we will honor the Damage Waiver. If the bike is lost / not returned the motorbike is considered “stolen” and the client owes the value of the stolen motorbike.

Major crashes

If Tigit opts to replace a motorbike that has had a major crash with a replacement motorbike, then the customer is responsible for paying for another damage waiver on the replacement motorbike.
If Tigit manages to fix a major crash (we will let you know if we think the damages are major), then we may ask you to pay for another damage waiver or return the rental motorbike to end the rental.

Travel Waiver TypeLong Distance Travel Waiver

Per Day Rentals Waiver
Honda XR/CRF 150
+$50 for first month

+$30 for second month

+$20 for each extra month
Honda CB 500x
+$70 for first month

+$60 for second month

+$50 for each extra month
Honda Winner
+$40 for first month

+$30 for second month

+$20 for each extra month
Honda Blade+$30 for first month

+$20 for second month

+$10 for each extra month

To rent a motorbike from Tigit, please see our rental motorbikes.

  • Yes, we operate off the concept of pre-bookings, quick turnover and small garage space.
  • We never miss bookings.
  • Our motorbikes are known to be the best quality rentals in Vietnam, and we often sell out.

Update post covid

From November 20th 2022 we no longer accept border crossing bookings for rentals.

To make this trip possible, travelers can inquire about purchasing a Honda XR 150 for $2000 at 40,000km and a Honda Blade 110cc for $800 at 40,000km.

We will buy back the motorbike for the sale value “less” what the rent would have been.

Tigit provides a 1 month warranty or 1,000km. Keep in mind that it is very hard for us to help you if you go outside of Vietnam.

About crossing borders

Crossing borders into Laos and Cambodia is possible. We believe Thailand and beyond are no longer possible. To cross borders, the client requires the blue card (ownership papers). The ownership document may be in a different office to the motorbike, Tigit must prepare transporting papers to the pickup location in advance to the clients pickup date.
It is not possible to cross borders on motorbikes above 150cc from TigitMotorbikes.

What borders are possible?
For a full article on everything we know, please read crossing borders. Please note, Tigit has no resources, contacts or translating abilities in countries outside of Vietnam.

    • Cambodia and Vietnam – Any international border is possible
    • Laos and Vietnam – It’s really tricky these days and Na Meo is no longer possible. A visa must be prepared in advance. It is possible to cross back into Vietnam through any international border. The limitation is Vietnam to Laos.
    • Laos and Cambodia – History and many online blogs suggest that it is not possible, however, Tigit has had plenty of clients successfully cross these borders.

For a full description, please read crossing borders with a motorbike.

  • Brand New Napoli Helmets are provided for $10 without a visor or $15 with a visor.
  • Second hand helmets are free to borrow. If lost they are $5.
  • New “good” Vietnamese helmets range between $20-120 dollars.
  • Tigit has a fully-fledged store which can be seen at stock helmets of all qualities from around the world.
  • Dot and ECE full face helmets start at $60 to buy new.
  • DOT, ECE certified LS2 helmets (ls2 rapid) can be rented for $2 a day or $20 for a month. (request in advance through booking platform).
  • On each “model” we have contracts/explanations related to the motorbike or service on offer.
  • These are edited frequently to be as transparent as possible. Every line has been “considered carefully”, so please read.
  • To avoid angry customers and pointless fights our contracts are ridiculously easy to back out of.
  • Our staff don’t have time to fight, we just refund.
  • With serious complaints not handled properly by Tigit staff, please go straight to “the boss” at

Breakdown Guarantee for long-distance travel!

Tigit will not sell or rent any motorbike that we think won’t survive a journey without a breakdown. To see our list of models, please go to our travel page.

Tigit Motorbikes has a guarantee to refund any maintenance costs that occurred throughout the journey. (this excludes oil changes and flat tires).

To have the motorbike covered from crashes, please read the Tigit Motorbikes Damage Waiver.

To use this Guarantee

  1. The customer must change the oil every 1000km and provide evidence of a motorbike receipt or photo having an oil change. Motorbikes above 150cc (apart from RE Himalayan) do not require this 1000km oil change.
  2. Customers must use genuine Honda/Yamaha/Suzuki stores and phone us before any maintenance. We must understand the situation and be allowed to speak with the mechanic before any work.

What we do not cover

  1. Crashes – this is the customer’s responsibility. See the damage waiver.
  2. Flat tires/replacing tires – We have experience judging the age of a tire and replacing old tires that we feel are not fit for another journey. If a customer points out that a tire is not suitable, we will gladly replace it before the motorbike begins a journey.
  3. We do not cover customers listening to random Vietnamese people claiming everything on the motorbike is broken. 


  1. Crashes are subjective – we try and judge this on what we feel a future customer can potentially complain about. We try and take a relaxed approach to crashes – and if a customer does not trust our report, we are happy to use 3rd party Honda / Yamaha / Suzuki receipts.
  2. Tigit will deduct the damage report from the deposit. Unlike traditional car rentals, we do not charge for the time the motorbike is not operational.
  3. On most models, each piece of bodywork is worth around $10. No customer driving a locally supported motorbike has experienced a crash more significant than $250 of damage. Motorbikes are always fixable in Vietnam.

Read our full article about how to find a mechanic shop in Vietnam


For a full breakdown of the tires we use on all our models please read our tire article.

  • The blue card is the ownership papers of a motorbike.
  • Travelers usually like to hold the bluecard, although an artificial importance of this document has been created within the backpacker market when it comes to travelling.
  • Most clients of Tigit no longer take the blue card.
  • Travelers heading across borders to Laos and Cambodia will need a Blue Card. If the blue card is needed Tigit will charge the deposit and not use a pre-authorization hold.

For more information please read our page about blue cards.

  • Tigit Motorbikes now has an optional damage waiver, which can be bought to cover all damages to the motorbike in the event of a crash.
  • Crashes are subjective – we try and judge this on what we feel a future customer can potentially complain about.
  • If a customer does not trust our report then we are happy to use 3rd party Honda / Yamaha / Suzuki receipts.
  • Customers crash all the time. This is routine for us and we are good at dealing with the situation.
  • Motorbikes can always be fixed and it is cheap in Vietnam to do so. We have no negative reviews in regards to crash quotations!
  • Tigit does not charge for “loss of use” which is the concept that a rental company can no longer use the vehicle whilst parts are being ordered.
  • We charge for parts, and nothing more!
  • For a full description please visit our page about secure parking lots.
  • In Vietnam the motorbike always goes inside the hotel or in a parking lot.
  • Don’t use cheap hostels in major cities.
  • There are security guards and parking lots everywhere!
  • Unfortunately, if the motorbike is stolen then there is nothing that can be done.
  • The police are useless and there is no point spending the holiday attempting to do paperwork.
  • Motorbike theft can be easily avoided in Vietnam, just be mindful where it is parked.
  • If the motorbike is stolen, the customer owes the value of the motorbike which is stated on each contract. The value depends on the number of KM at the starting point of the rental.
  • Don’t rent a motorbike that you can not afford.

People often ask if they need to buy a lock.
If you need to lock the motorbike then the bike is in the wrong place!

  • Tigit Motorbikes does not have USB chargers on our motorbikes.
  • Adding USB chargers voids the manufacturer warranty.
  • USB chargers add an additional layer of diagnostics if the motorbike has a problem as mechanics will automatically blame the 3rd party installation.
  • Customers may add USB chargers if they wish, but we will have no part in the installation and take no responsibility for the electrics.
  • We recommend buying a external USB power pack which can be bought in any phone store for around $15.

Through Tigit booking process, you can select to buy a handlebar bag that you can put the power back in to charge your phone.

  • We recommend around 15 KG of luggage. However it depends on the model of the motorbike.
  • People with lots of luggage can send a bag between Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh and Danang and collect the bag when dropping the motorbike off. The cost to send a bag is $20.
  • All of the Tigit motorbike rental fleet can carry two people and luggage across Vietnam. There are no roads that these motorbikes can not handle.
  • The limitation is in rack space and strength, not the power of the vehicle.
  • We have no major restrictions, but travelers must be responsible for overloading the luggage and breaking racks.

A common complaint is the Honda Blade 110cc with two people and luggage. We won’t stop you, the bike can handle the load. However the rack is likely to break and need welding on the journey. This is your responsibility.

Welding is easy on route, and we do not consider this a “breakdown”. Racks are not a priority check for our mechanics and we expect customers to investigate rack condition upon pickup.

  • Tigit has an optional service where you can send a bag from one Tigit office to another
  • The bag will be waiting for you at your final returning Tigit office
  • The cost of this service is $20 (USD) per bag

Key things to note

  • The shipping cost is not about the size or the weight of the bag. It is “per bag”. Put small bags into big bags, and try to combine everything as much as possible.

Is it safe?

  • The short answer is yes, it is safe! The longer answer is that around two cases are going wrong annually. Unfortunately, theft can occur by the shipping operators, and they do not have a warranty. Theft can occur, for example, by a knife being taken to the bag to open it up and steal what is inside. Ultimately, this is completely out of our control
  • The frequency of cases that go wrong is not large enough to justify extra paperwork and disclaimers by Tigit as a company. (Jon’s opinion). Therefore, we do not have waivers or contracts for this shipping service. Pay the $20 (USD) per bag when you pick up the bike, and we will ship it to your final destination. No extra paperwork.
  • We have talked about the service being reliable, however we do not want to be made responsible for many thousand dollar laptops and jewelly going missing. We advise not shipping costly items. If you need to ship an expensive item, Tigit can do overnight priority shipping through a service called NASCO, but we charge a relatively large custom fee for this. NASCO is very expensive, and it also requires extra special attention from Tigit administration to not lose the package of value!

We estimate around $70 per bag.

The short answer

The short answer is no, you can not. Shipping by buses and trains used to be very common for tourists prior to COVID-19. However, after COVID-19, the laws changed for bus companies, and the train line as an operation significantly changed as well. There will be plenty of out of date articles on the internet suggesting you can easily ship motorbikes by buses and train.

Tigit has a full article here:

The long answer

It is possible to ship motorbikes by train from one location to another. However, the motorbike does not go with you on the same train. The motorbike will show up anytime from 4 days to around 10 days after the shipping date. There is no way to know the duration of travel and no guarantee that they will keep the shipping times they may give.

From our perspective, when a client starts to inquire about shipping a motorbike, we consider the contract is coming to a close. We will advise you to return the motorbike to the nearest Tigit office and book another motorbike from a different office. This is due to the quantity of time it may take for the motorbike to arrive at your final destination.

Trains that the motorbike will go with you

There are trains such as the HCM to Mui Ne train and the Hanoi to Lao Cai train where the motorbike will go with you on the same train. However, using these services requires booking the motorbike physically at the train station in advance. Overall, the system is out of date and not worth using. So yes, it is possible, but no, it isn’t of any interest!

Motorbikes on buses

Putting motorbikes on buses is illegal but very common. Because of this, the companies operating these services pop up and collapse regularly, meaning we can not recommend any particular service. It would be best if you inquired in the town directly that you wish to ship from.

A very common section of the country where people skip using a bus is Phong Nha to Hanoi. You can arrange this through your hotel.

A quick disclaimer on buses: They can do a lot of damage to motorbikes. They will not be responsible for the motorbike damage. Use these services knowing the risks involved!

Yes, if by big bikes you mean bikes that have more “cc” than the regular market. The model we have is:

In order to rent this model, we require the customer to have either:
– drivers license + International drivers permit (pictures or copies will not suffice)
– Vietnamese A2 license


  • Tigit only rents genuine bikes, not Chinese motorbikes
  • We have locations in HCM, Dalat, Danang, Ha Giang and Hanoi; additional drop off locations in Phan Rang, Hue, Hoi An.
  • Easy and quick pickup and drop off from our locations (one way rental).
  • A pricing algorithm that gets cheaper over time.
  • Refunds on early returns (doesn’t matter if you want to return early)
  • Accurate bookings where a motorbike will be waiting for you in advance.
  • Free breakdown coverage across all our motorbikes.
  • Small skillful team, advanced online technologies, lots of motorbikes with quick turn over.
  • Modern, new, ambitious and pioneering the Vietnamese motorbike rental industry.
  • Wide coverage with contacts countrywide to deal with almost any situation. There is nothing we have not seen or fixed when it comes to travelers on motorbikes!

  • Most backpackers will be seen buying Chinese motorbikes which are cheap and unstable toys. Tigit uses genuine motorbikes.
  • Huge motorbike fleet with a small skillful team. Breakdowns are just as inconvenient to us as they are to you when it comes to support time!
  • A select few models in bulk that we believe to be the best motorbikes for the job of traveling Vietnam!
  • All motorbikes are purchased new by Tigit and registered under the company. This helps with some paperwork problems that can happen on the road.
  • Clear and transparent paperwork for travelers to maintain the motorbike up to our standards
  • Tigit is for real motorbikers, not backpackers. We want real drivers who look after and understand our fleet just like we do
  • Tigit has the biggest motorbike accessory shop in Vietnam. Located over at
  • When you click on a product on the Chrunix website, it will provide the office location of the item. Pretty cool!
  • Saigon is the largest location, but items can be shipped for free to other locations in advance. Please use the Chrunix platform and request “store pickup” on checkout.
  • A huge range of our accessories are imported from overseas. Clients may find recognised brands more expensive in Vietnam, but there are plenty of local brands at great value. Everything is different in South East Asia.
  • We still recommend bringing gear from home if you have it. Good quality motorbike equipment is not cheap!
    Look to see which office the item is located at.

To keep the life of employees simple and safe, Tigit has zero tolerance on negations and discounts. We have a framework of flexible contracts in terms of returning the motorbike early and getting refunds. Mathematics gets complicated when trying to do equations on a custom quote that went wrong because half the group decided to go home early. Travelers rarely keep to the original plan, so we look to keep everything as simple as possible!

Tigit does not offer monthly / city rentals; we recommend the company “The Extra Mile.” More information is below.

Monthly rentals are the idea where you live in Vietnam and need a motorbike to commute to work and back. Many companies, both small and large, offer this service.
Tigit specializes in long-distance travel, which involves picking a motorbike up in one location and returning it in another. We also offer services for weekend getaways.

Most “monthly rentals” will have KM caps, or their motorbikes will not be allowed out of the city.

We closed down the Tigit city rental service to avoid confusion in our pricing structure and services. We highly recommend the company “The Extra Mile,” of which Tigit is a part owner. The Extra Mile specializes in “monthly rentals,” or, as Tigit likes to call them, “city rentals.”

Watch this video to learn the difference between a tourism-based company like Tigit and a monthly rental company like The Extra Mile.

  • Read our “about us” page to see who we are.
  • Tigit Motorbikes has approximately 400 rental motorbikes on the road at any given time.
  • Online presence on Trip Advisor, Google Reviews, FacebookInstagram and various blogging related websites across the internet including affiliation with the famous VietnamCoracle.
  • Digging deep into the local facebook community groups, forums or even reddit will reveal that there is hardly a bad word on the internet about Tigit Motorbikes.
  • Accessible management, serious complaints not handled properly by Tigit staff, please go straight to “the boss” at

Ho Chi Minh – B2-0001 Sarimi, 72 Nguyen Co Thach street, An Loi Dong Ward, Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City, 70000
Detailed description of the Ho Chi Minh office.

Hanoi – 10 alley 603 Lac Long Quan street, Xuan La ward, Tay Ho District, Hanoi Capital, 100000
Detailed description of the Hanoi office.

Danang – 113 Le Van Duyet street, Nai Hien Đong ward, Son Tra Distric, Đa Nang City 777777
Detailed description of the Danang office.

Dalat – 8 Nguyen Tu Luc street, 8 ward, Đa Lat City, Lam Đong 670000
Detailed description of the Dalat office.

The article below explains from Tigit Jon’s opinion as to the 40 best and worst motorbikes in Vietnam.
An impossible topic to keep up to date with. New models are always released. However it provides an overview to the motorbike market of Vietnam.

Read the The 40 Best (and worst) Motorbikes in Vietnam.

Yes, if by big bikes you mean bikes that have more “cc” than the regular market. The model we have is:

In order to rent this model, we require the customer to have either:
– drivers license + International drivers permit (pictures or copies will not suffice)
– Vietnamese A2 license


It is possible to buy and sell a Chinese Honda Win. Most travelers doing this are aiming to lose as little money as possible at all costs. The motorbike is Chinese and low quality, to begin with, and the traveler on a budget is unlikely to invest in maintenance.

The alternative is to rent a genuine motorbike from a place like Tigit.

Another topic where Tigit continues to bash the Chinese motorbike market. However, in this post we do some math to try and explain the costs of renting vs buying.

Read the full article here at Chinese VS Real Honda.

Unless you are an expat, you shouldn’t be buying a motorbike.

However here is an article with some basics pointers on buying a motorbike in Vietnam.

Honda Blade Semi 110cc  Automatic is our cheapest and most popular motorbike. There is nothing this motorbike can not do.

Honda Winner 150cc is our most reliable manual motorbike.

Honda XR 150 is our most comfortable “affordable” motorbike and probably the best “all around vehicle” when taking into account performance and budget.

Honda CB 500cc is our “big motorbike” for two people and luggage.

  • Tigit Motorbikes started as a Honda Win dealer.
  • We stopped renting / selling them because they didn’t work, and the business model is not expandable.
  • The quantity of breakdowns and after service required to avoid review blackmail threats was stressful and impossible to manage.
  • They are toy motorbikes that wobble around and drive like toys.
  • They are incredibly dangerous. The review blackmail threats in the old days of Tigit were probably justified!
  • Detech Honda Wins are not much better, and every few years the small Vietnamese dealers find a “new brand” to promote to backpackers.
  • If they worked, we would sell / rent them. They don’t…. so we don’t.
  • The gear you bring depends on the type of rider that you are. Tigit has a full article about what to bring and wear.
  • Vietnam is cold, hot, sunny and rainy regardless of the month. You should be expecting and preparing for all seasons.
  • We recommend bringing as much of your own motorbike gear from home as possible.

Experienced riders

  • The gear in Vietnam is not appropriate for “back home” speeds. Tigit is working on resolving this, but it is still work in progress.
  • Bring proper helmets.
  • Bring rain suits and not rain ponchos (flap in the wind).
  • Keeping your packing to an absolute minimum


  • The gear in Vietnam is cheap, but it is not good. Be wary of this when driving and keep your speeds to the local style.
  • Rain ponchos are great at low speeds.
  • Do not rent a +150cc motorbike and use Vietnamese gear.
  • Backpackers always overpack. This is an adventure holiday. Be dirty, or use hotel washing services on route. Carrying a house load of luggage on sub 150cc motorbikes is not a great idea.
  • We recommend 15kg or less on our racks.

Vietnam is currently only issuing one month Visa’s. Alot of travelers are doing Visa runs in Lao Bao. This is on the HCM road near the Laos border and serves as a good point for extending a one month holiday into more. The one pack wonderes made a video on how to do it.

Visa’s can also be extended with Cambodia (near HCM), or Laos (near Hanoi). Hanoi would be the Na Meo Border.

  • Please read our page about insurance for detail.
  • With a license and international drivers permit it is possible to drive legally in Vietnam.
  • When driving legally, it is possible to get insurance from companies back home. It is worth calling, and double checking all the requirements and small print.
  • It is not possible to insure yourself with a Vietnamese company. Obtain from home.

If you are Australian, go with the company 1cover

If you are from anywhere else in the world, go with ACS. Make sure you tick the box for “extreme sports.”

  • August to September is the best time to travel the North. The weather is mostly stable and the yellow paddy fields bloom.
  • Keep in mind this is also stormy season in Vietnam and random cyclones can smash through the area at any point.
  • Storms come and go quickly, they usually pass over within two days.
  • March and May is also good for allround mostly stable conditions.
  • June to August is rainy season.
  • December to February are cold, so cold that the snow can fall. Plan for a skiing holiday and you should be ok! A big mistake travelers make when motorbiking Vietnam is to assume everywhere is hot. With Tigit Motorbikes it is possible to send luggage on the train, so plan ahead and have the correct gear sitting in our office waiting for cold weather conditions.

Travellers spend far too much time worrying about the weather and attempting to predict it. Just get on with it and drive, there is nothing that will stop a holiday.
For a full detailed description on weather please read the weather in Vietnam.

For more information please visit our section about how to navigate Vietnam.

Please do not rent from us if you are not adventure travelers. This is an adventure holiday and there is no “perfect season”!

  • Please read our page about licenses.
  • Since Jan 2015 international licenses are now supposed to be valid in Vietnam. Vietnam is a country where no one knows anything about any rules so please do not take this as factual information.
  • $3-$7 will get you a dorm bed and a “free breakfast”, consisting of a piece of bread, egg and coffee.
  • $8-15 will get you “a bed” in a hotel with a hard mattress. An old TV, 1/4 working WIFI. Most of the time a hot shower, and sometimes a “free breakfast”.
  • $25-50 will get a bed usually with a soft mattress and a hot shower. Nearly working Wifi.
  • $50-80 will get a bed with a soft mattress. Usually some service, Wifi and a limited choice breakfast buffet.
  • $80-100 will get you a bed with a soft mattress. Service, swimming pool, and a large breakfast buffet.
  • $100+ will get you a very nice resort with swimming pools, gyms, spa’s and everything else that comes with a nice resort!

Hotel prices depend on the location and the above list is very generalized. Usually, it is worth attempting to go into the $25-50 category if wanting to travel in respectable conditions. Most remote areas do not have $25-50 rooms. Remote areas have the $8-15 category, so get a good hotel when and where you can!

  • Read our full article on Parking and security in Vietnam.
  • Motorbikes always go inside a hotel or with a parking guy.
  • Parking guys are everywhere, from beaches to coffee shops.
  • It is not common to “park up” on the side of the road and go hiking into the jungle. Remember all your luggage is on the bike.
  • If you need to lock the motorbike, then the motorbike is not in a safe place.
  • Vietnamese can get through locks easily. Use parking guys.

  • There are hotels and guest houses everywhere in Vietnam.
  • Each tourist destination is within 1 days driving of each other.
  • There are also Vietnamese guest houses (Nha Nghi) and hotels everywhere, this includes countryside locations.
  • Use Agoda, Booking, Hostel World, Air B n B, research homestays.
  • There is something for everyone at all budget levels.

Please read for a full article on how to navigate Vietnam.

Tigit Jon now has his own map for hotels with a soft mattress!

  • Gas is so cheap it is not even worth talking about.
  • A Honda Blade is 50,000vnd (2.5usd) to fill. This will last around 150km or 4-6 hours driving.
  • Most of our models need an oil change every 1000km which is around $5. This is usually once or twice on a journey.
  • Saigon to Hanoi perhaps $50 on gas and $10 on oil.
  • In cities it is chaotic but people drive unbelievably slowly. Even in a crash you will probably be OK!
  • The countryside remains slow, but has less people.
  • To avoid crashes drive at the locals pace, they drive slowly (but badly).
  • Tigit Motorbikes HCM and Danang are away from the chaos of the city center and have convenient test drive and practice areas.
  • For more information on crashes please read our Damage Waiver.
  • Mostly small countryside roads that allow for cars to go in both directions.
  • A lot of single track pavement style roads the width of one car.
  • Roads are improving, but pot holes can be expected throughout Vietnam.
  • Plenty of backroads and single track with Googlemaps.
  • Overall – the roads in Vietnam are “good”. There is no need for off-roading “knobbly tires” We equip our motorbikes mostly with road tires.
  • In our opinion YES!
  • Every tourist destination is within 1 days drive of eachother.
  • Vietnamese are helpful and friendly. Willing to help a foreigner in distress.
  • Public transport and trucks are amazing. Clients can be rescued from nearly anywhere (eventually). Tigit has a wide reach!
  • Food and hotels are everywhere.
  • Vietnamese are everywhere. Think you are alone? Chances are a bushmen is watching you!
  • Motorbikes are low powered, road speeds are slow.
  • Gas stations are everywhere.
  • Mechanic shops are everywhere.
  • Everything is cheap. Money can buy you out of nearly any situation.
  • Vietnam has mild weather (ignore the news). Storms are quickly dealt with. Temperatures are never extreme.
  • Rainy season is manageable, again ignore the news. There is no “right” or “wrong” time to travel Vietnam.
  • English is nearly everywhere (speak slowly and calmly). People do understand.
  • Driving the Highway (boring) Ho Chi Minh to Hanoi, around 4 days driving 10 hours a day.
  • HCM to Hanoi, Driving mountain / coastal roads (fun), is 10 days of around 8 hours a day of driving.
  • The fastest client of Tigit is 7 days. Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh.
  • HCM/Hanoi to Danang (half way) is between 7-10 days. (5 days in a rush)
  • HCM/Hanoi to Danang is around 1000km doing mountain/coastal roads.
  • HCM to Hanoi is around 2500km doing mountain /coastal roads.
  • The North above Hanoi is around 1 week – 3 weeks driving.
  • “Ha Giang” (famous area of North), is 1 week to do. The North East – 1 week. The North West – 1 week. Combined 3 weeks.
  • A minimum of 3 days is needed to experience some of “The North”.
  • A minimum of 3 days is needed to experience some of “The South”.
  • Danang has 1 days rentals “Hai Van Pass”.
  • Dalat has 1 day rentals (waterfalls)
  • The Mekong Delta takes 1 day to get to the “floating markets”. Two days to get to “Phu Quoc”.
  • Ho Chi Minh to Danang has the best all round weather
  • Ho Chi Minh to Danang has both mountain and coastal roads
  • Ho Chi Minh to Danang takes between 7-10 days, or 5 days in a rush.


  • Hanoi to Danang has “the best” road for most drivers, the Ho Chi Minh Road
  • Hanoi to Danang has both the famous Hai Van Pass
  • Hanoi to Danang has Ninh Binh, Phong Nha and Hoi An all of which are primary tourist hotspots
  • Hanoi to Danang has extremely beautiful scenery whilst also being accessable to casual riding


The Hai Van pass is a road between Danang and Hue, and has been made famous by the Top Gear Vietnam Special.
Today it is full of travelers enjoying the pass. A short one day journey has become a quick and easy way to tick the box of motorbiking Vietnam.
Please read here for a our full article on the Hai Van Pass.

We personally feel the Hai Van Pass is over-rated. Its popularity is due to the Top Gear TV show combined with the roads easy accessibility for casual drivers. It is not famous due to its organic beauty (although it is a nice drive, there are far better roads in Vietnam).

As a general rule, the audience of quick one day motorbike rentals is not hugely interested in quality motorbikes. This allows local companies to pump out very cheap 1 day motorbike rentals between Hoi An and Hue on worthless scooters. This is great for a quick one day trip for enjoying the pass, but the motorbikes are not suited or equipped for anything further than this one day drive!

Tigit does not have a specific service for Hai Van Pass rentals, but it is possible to pickup from Danang and use our return city of “another location” to ship the motorbike back to Tigit.
With a quick Google, it can be seen there are companies that specialize in the Hai Van Pass rentals.

Read and download the map on the follow page.

The best way out of Saigon.

If you are worried about driving in Saigon, you can always book a motorbike lesson to get started.

  • To navigate Vietnam we recommend googlemaps or
  • Road maps / Traditional maps don’t really exist here.
  • Read our page how to navigate Vietnam for a detailed guide.
  • Cash deposits are fine, equaling the amount of the stated credit card deposit on contracts.
  • Tigit may return cash in a different currency or with different notes.
  • We prefer credit card deposits.
  • It is a good idea to notify us before returning the motorbike so we can prepare the cash.

We refund early returns, so please book for the maximum length of time that you might use the bike. When you return early, we will refund the remaining days.
We link returns to bookings closely, so trying to “extend your rental” may not be possible, and if you extend without notifying us, it may cause another traveler to not have a bike waiting. Don’t be the person who destroys someone else’s holiday.

Returning a motorbike early at Tigit is free, and we will refund all the remaining days if you return in the correct location.
We will charge a minimum of 3 days of rent. (For example, if you book a motorbike for 1 month, then return after 1 day, we will charge for 3 days).

Returning in a location that is not a Tigit location (such as a train station) will be charged as three days from the drop-off date plus $10 USD pickup fee if we need to send staff to collect the bike from the train station.

Please be respectful and notify Tigit in advance if you are not going to make it to your return destination. It may cause another traveler to miss their booking. This is an adventure holiday, and you must book with the intent to complete your journey.

Tigit Refund calculation

Tigit prices are based on an algorithm, the full price list can be seen on our prices page. Note, that the price gets cheaper over time, it is not based on “per day”. The refund amount might be less than you expect!

Returning late

Extensions are usually possible with five days of notice in advance. However, with our early return policy of refunding early returns, we encourage you to book the maximum possible time that you might need the motorbike. This avoids issues with us overbooking motorbikes.

Bookings at Tigit are taken seriously. Returning late or to a city not on the original contract can cause us to miss bookings. We charge $100 or more for returning late if it causes us to miss a booking.
Please be respectful to Tigit and to future clients and let us know when plans are changing.

Email us: for extensions.

Book the maximum duration possible
We have flexible early returns, and so encourage travelers to book for the maximum duration possible, and then to return early for a refund. This is better than booking the minimum duration and then trying to extend.

If you do wish to extend, please email in advance and we will let you know if the motorbike is still available for an extension.

Pricing calculator for refunds
  • Tigit has bank accounts in USD, AUD, EURO, GBP and VND.
  • Using the bank transfer is the cheapest way of sending money to Tigit Motorbikes.
  • If a deposit is paid by bank transfer, we will send back exactly the same number upon motorbike return. This is a static deposit, not a variable exchange rate deposit.
  • Bank transfers take time to process. Please pay in advance.
  • Through the booking process, indicate you would like to pay by bank transfer and we will send our banking information.
  • Tigit uses the Stripe payment Gateway which is a leading payment gateway globally. They accept basically all forms of cards.
  • Payments by card can be chosen in your home and local currency. This avoids unknown conversion fees.
  • The payment is split into two transactions. “Deposit”, “Rent”.
  • The “Rent” has a fee of 2.9% if paying by credit card.
  • The “Deposit” is a pre-authorization hold. The money never leaves your account so there are no fees.
  • The “Deposit” is automatically released, the decision when to release is down to the clients bank. Tigit never takes/charges the money.

Other information to note:

  • Before coming to Vietnam or a Tigit Office it is a good idea to tell your credit card company to not block payments in Vietnam from “Stripe Payments UK”.
  • Tigit does not have a credit card machine. Clients pay via a secure website link.
  • Clients may pay using their own mobile devices.
  • Clients may pay using the Tigit provided PC or Tablet.
  • We do not ask clients to physically hand the card to us. We prefer clients to pay on their own devices without us handling any sensitive information.

Tigit does not accept pre-paid credit cards for the deposit of the motorbike.

All Tigit Motorbike deposits are pre-authorization holds. Apart from rare occasions of pre-paid credit cards and cross border traveling where we charge and refund money.

What is a pre-authorization hold?

A pre-authorization hold is a temporary hold on a credit / debit card. Typically a hold lasts for 7 days and is automatically released.

Pre-authorization holds are the same method luxury hotels or overseas car rentals use to take deposits. It provides a basic credit background check on the client without capturing or charging any money.

Why use a hold and not charge?

Reason 1: When charging and refunding cards there can be variations and fluctuations in currency conversions. This can cause the client to lose money over an extended period of time.
A pre-authorization hold never physically takes money from your account. As a result, there are no currency conversion issues.

Reason 2: Charging and refunding money means the storage of client deposits. Some companies may enjoy the interest on stored money, or even invest the money into other projects.
Most reputable establishments however, do not like to store money that is not theirs. We are no different, and so opt to hold instead of charge.

When will Tigit refund the money?

The money never leaves your account. Some banks / card companies may temporarily show a charge, but this will likely disappear after a week.
Because the money never leaves your account, there is no notification of a refund.
Check your statements at a later date and it will be seen Tigit never charged or refunded a deposit.

Mobile apps are often incorrect!

Mobile apps often display holds as charges and this may never correctly update. When checking bank statements, use desktop PC or PDF statements. These are more accurate than mobile banking apps.

When to contact Tigit?

If you have checked your online banking with a desktop PC, and you continue to see a charge/deposit from Tigit. Then please feel free to contact us and provide a screenshot of the transaction.

Tigit guides will not take customers on tour without a working phone with a local sim card and mobile data. Each customer is required to share their Google location with the guide. The location sharing can end when the tour is complete. Tigit guides never leave customers behind, but this is a practice we instil in both our company rides and social rides. Location sharing is a must. 

Tigit tours include rental protective gear; helmets, elbow and knee pads, and boots.

If you choose not to wear the protective gear available, you accept the risk of injury. 

If you choose to wear your own gear, you must be sure of its safety standards and durability. Tigit tours can enter rough conditions and terrain, you must make sure your gear can survive! There are no Chrunix stores in the jungle (yet). 

Tigit does not rent gloves but sells them. Prices start from $7usd.

A hydro-pack (camel pack) is considered a necessity for all riders. If you do not bring a hydro-pack, you must buy one from the Chrunix store. Chrunix hydro-packs range from $15usd to $50usd.
For multi-day tours, or tours with more than one person, we will provide new hydro-packs for free, it is yours to keep!

Customers must arrange their own medical insurance, flights, visas and required vaccines to enter Vietnam. Customers are responsible to check their own requirements to visit Vietnam in accordance with their nationality and passport.

For specific information, each motorbike tour on the Tigit site has a “included” and “not included” section. These do vary from tour to tour.

Yes. Tigit tour prices include the damage waiver which covers all damage in the case of a crash.

The damage waiver does not cover transport fees relating to the damaged bike. If the bike is deemed unrideable and needs to be transported by truck; the customer must bear the costs.

The damage waiver does not cover clutch burn. Tigit considers this rider error.

Crashes occur, indicators break, mirrors fall off, phone mounts snap, kickstands fall off and handlebars bend. If the bike is moving, the tour guide is unlikely to detour into a mechanic shop. Tigit tours are ambitious on timings and completion of the best route possible is a priority. Please point out your issues to the tour guide, but don’t be surprised if the guide opts not to fix the issue immediately. The guide will use their experience and discretion to decide how urgent the fix is.

Tigit customers are responsible for their own medical insurance, which includes transport to a medical facility.

The customer will bear the costs of transporting the crashed bike back to a Tigit office.

If possible, Tigit staff can arrange a replacement bike at the cost of the customer. If this is not possible, the customer must forfeit the tour early without a refund. 

The replacement bike may not be the same model as the original but will be suitable for the tour’s terrain.

Tigit guides pack as light as possible, but as sufficient as possible. The packing motto is ‘pack like there are no stops, and there are no shops’.

If you forget to pack something; do let the tour guide know about your discomfort, but do not be surprised when the guide prioritizes completion of the route over minor discomforts. Tigit tours can take customers into remote areas, and some personal items are not possible to find in between the larger cities. It is very time-consuming to go hunting for a specific product and can set back the schedule substantially. 

In our opinion, you should have

  • 1 set of evening clothes
  • 1 set of driving clothes
  • Shoes are optional, as most hotels provide flip-flops
  • Sunscreen
  • Sunglasses

For a full list of what Tigit Jon wears, see this article.

If the schedule is delayed due to severe weather or motorbike breakdowns, the guide will be able to re-route to complete the tour in time. Customers must accept there are elements beyond the guides control and that these elements are all part of the adventure.

If, for any reason, the customer decides they do not want to continue the tour, they are responsible for subsequent costs of transport (to return both the customer’s bike and the guide’s bike back to a Tigit office) and personal transport (as you are surrendering the bike), which includes getting the Tigit guide back home safely. 

Accommodation. If customer cancels less than 14 days before the tour, they must carry the costs of accommodation.

Motorbike reservation. If customer cancels less than 14 days before the tour, they must pay a cancellation fee of $150usd per bike.

Participating in a guided Tigit tour still subjects each rider to the traffic regulations and local laws of Vietnam. A bike over 175cc will still require an International License. Tigit guides also ask you respect the local customs and culture whilst riding. Illegal, inappropriate or dangerous behaviour could equal the guide asking you to leave the tour early.

From Tigit Jon’s perspective –

Vietnam is famous for beaches, but it will eventually become famous for its mountains. Vietnam is a mountain country at heart, and that is what us bikers are here to see.

  • Phong Nha, its caves and turquoise rivers are stunning. Paradise Cave, Dark Cave.
  • Ha Giang for amazing mountain roads, or “The North West” for amazing off-road mountain roads.
  • Ban Gioc Waterfall in the North East.
  • Dalat and all its waterfalls.
  • Nha Trang and its mega beach parties (sailing club).

From Tigit Jon’s perspective –

Vietnam may be known for its coastline. But unfortunately, extreme trash problems and over development from a tourist standpoint has ruined a lot of the coastline. In my opinion, come to Vietnam for the mountains, not the coast! There are fewer tourists in the inland areas and the locals are warmer and un-spoiled too.

  • Chronic Trash problems throughout the country at naturally stunning locations.
  • Restaurants are unable to deliver what you order. It will always be a lottery. I recommend carrying paper and pen and writing for the waiter. They will still get it wrong somehow 🙂
  • Mattresses in cheap hotels are usually uncomfortably hard.
  • After a long and hard day of driving, to be welcomed by the hotel with no greeting other than. “PASSPORT”.

From Tigit Jon’s perspective –

There are so many great places in Vietnam. It is a place to come back over and over again. In reality, as a young family man, I am stuck in the house. I have not even touched the surface of this great country!

If I had to choose one spot:

DALAT would be it.

Dalat does appear to be a love/hate city. I fall firmly on the love side, and here is why.

  • I can escape the roasting heat of Saigon for a few days.
  • A city with all the restaurants in the world, but it takes 5 minutes to escape into the beautiful countryside.
  • Stunning scenery all around, from the French architecture to the farmland and hills.
  • Canyoning tours, coffee tours, hiking tours, gardens, greenery, flowers. Dalat has lots to do!
  • The waterfalls are amazing. From touristy, to run down and broken, to stampedes of flowing water.
  • The people are quiet in relation to the rest of Vietnam.
  • I don’t often share this with new arrivals to Vietnam but Dalat has some of the best off-road motorbiking in the world!

From Tigit Jon’s perspective –

I am going to have to throw in one location and one activity. These are controversial choices! Keep in mind, I have lived here for 9+ years and I am definitely a “cynical Expat”.

Mui Ne:

  • Mui Ne beach is mostly eroded away unless paying a premium for resorts with private beaches. Even so, I don’t consider this perfect coastline.
  • It is a small location that focuses on kite surfing, the other tours there are mostly gimmicky.

The Hai Van Pass:

  • Short (only 3 hours of actual driving)
  • The views are great, but nothing compared to other areas Vietnam offers.
  • The alternate route is one of the best in the country, yet everyone is on the Hai Van Pass.
  • Full of cheap throw away and dangerous scooters run by backstreet cowboy rental companies.
  • Full of backpackers that can’t drive and shouldn’t be on the road.
  • The notoriety of this route minimizes what Vietnam actually offers to an adventure seeker.
  • The Hai Van Pass is not the pinnacle of Vietnam and so the acclaimed fame of this road is not beneficial to the industry.

From Tigit Jon’s perspective –

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Both are amazing for their own reasons. Choosing one, I would have to go with Ho Chi Minh to Danang.

  • Ho Chi Minh to Danang has consistent weather, also hot weather. I love the heat!
  • We get to see both the mountains and the coast. The variation of driving style and scenery is inspiring.
  • The South (if knowing where to look), really provides that “stuck in Nam’s Jungle”, feeling. Tropical forests, heat, mud and off-roading!
  • I enjoy meandering roads which also throw in open straights. I find the “more extreme mountains”, to have a little bit too much turn left, then turn right, then turn left again.

From Tigit Jon’s perspective –

Most of Vietnam’s coast has a party of some sort going on. The party cities appear to change year to year as well which makes deciding hard.

If I had to choose one party it would be Nha Trang!

  • Sailing club is one of the few true “on the beach” dance clubs.
  • Nha Trang has a party for everyone. From Dive bars, to cocktail bars, to beach bars, to Vietnamese clubs. The atmosphere all round is lively.
  • Nha Trang’s party spirit doesn’t just stay on the land. Parties continue out onto boat tours.
  • The sea in and around Nha Trang is mostly blue, trash free and the entire vibe of the place is all in the name of the party spirit.
  • Traveling is often a once in a lifetime experience. Don’t travel on a motorbike with no money. Spend your money and enjoy your money. Traveling cheap is a waste and motorbiking is not cheap!
  • Be safe, plan your safety gear according to this adventure activity.
  • Don’t bring anything you don’t need. Travel light.
  • Have spare days for when something goes wrong. This is an adventure activity in an unknown land. From experience, plan at least one rest day for every four days of driving.
  • Don’t book anything in advance. Plan as you go. However do check for Vietnam public holidays, and book in advance if your plans go over a Vietnamese holiday.
  • It is about the journey and not the destination. Traveling by motorbike is an amazing journey!
  • Consider the locals salary if you are trying to negotiate. We recommend just paying with a smile, Vietnamese are mostly honest!
  • Là dịch vụ cho thuê xe máy lớn nhất tại Việt Nam.
  • Hơn 400 xe máy trong tình trạng hoàn hảo, luôn sẵn sàng cho thuê tại bất kỳ thời điểm nào.
  • Nhiều dòng xe phân khối lớn độc quyền
  • Hỗ trợ dọc đường
  • Chúng tôi chịu mọi chi phí phát sinh về hỏng hóc và sửa chữa dọc đường
  • Hỗ trợ và tư vấn giải quyết mọi vấn đề trên đường đi
  • Đạt “top review” trên Trip Advisor, Facebook, Instagram và các trag web liên quan đến du lịch nổi tiếng như Vietnamcoracle.
  • Xe máy mà Tigit sử dụng luôn là xe chính hãng và có giấy tờ, nguồn gốc rõ ràng, đảm bảo đúng tiêu chuẩn an toàn.
  • Có thể linh động trong quá trình thuê và trả xe từ các văn phòng.
  • Giá cả phải chăng. Hoàn tiền nếu bạn trả xe sớm hơn dự định (Yêu cầu thông báo trước 5 ngày).
  • Cung cấp gói bảo hiểm đi kèm khi thuê xe.
  • Sử dụng công nghệ trực tuyến hiện đại giúp bạn dễ dàng hơn trong việc tìm hiểu và thuê xe máy.
  • Linh động trong việc xử lí sự cố mà bạn gặp phải trong quá trình thuê xe.

Tigit hiện là địa điểm cho thuê xe duy nhất có khả năng cho thuê các dòng xe phân khối lớn và xe cào cào:

  • Honda CRF250L
  • Royal Enfield Himalaya 400
  • Honda CB500X
  • Honda CRF150L

Lưu ý: Để thuê xe trên 175cc, chúng tôi yêu cầu khách hàng phải có giấy phép lái xe hạng A2.


Mũ bảo hiểm fullface LS2 FF353, áo giáp Scoyco, giáp gối và giáp cùi chỏ Scoyco là trang bị được cho thuê kèm với xe.

  • Mũ bảo hiểm được cho thuê với giá 45,000đ/ngày
  • Áo giáp lưng ngực, giáp gối và cùi chỏ được cho thuê với giá 65,000đ/ngày

Cần mua thêm trang bị? Tham khảo trang bị đi phượt mà Chrunix cung cấp! là thương hiệu con của Tigit, cung cấp trang bị bảo hộ mô tô nhập khẩu chính hãng!

Tigit sẽ không thể giữ xe cho bạn nếu bạn không đặt cọc để chốt hẹn. Số lượng xe của công ty không phải lúc nào cũng đáp ứng đủ nhu cầu cho thuê, và chúng tôi muốn ưu tiên cho những khách hàng đã chắc chắn với lịch trình của mình.

Vậy, nếu bạn đã chắc chắn và đảm bảo lịch trình của mình, thì bạn nên đặt cọc trước với Tigit để giữ xe cho mình.

Tigit muốn mọi quá trình diễn ra phải cụ thể và rõ ràng. Chúng tôi thường sẽ thực hiện hợp đồng cho thuê, với những điểu khoản có lợi cho cả hai bên, bao gồm:

  • Điều khoản và hướng dẫn sử dụng cho từng loại xe
  • Thời gian thuê, địa điểm và ngày giờ lấy xe, địa điểm và ngày giờ trả xe.
  • Thông tin đặt cọc và chi trả
  • Bảng kiểm tra chi tiết tình trạng xe cho thuê, được làm tại thời điểm giao xe và có chữ ký của hai bên.

Tất cả chi phí phát sinh liên quan đến hỏng hóc xe dọc đường do lỗi kỹ thuật gây ra sẽ do Tigit chi trả, không bao gồm:

  • Lủng bánh, thay/vá săm, lốp
  • Hỏng xe do khách hàng va chạm trên đường
  • Hỏng xe do cố tình phá hoại

Khi bạn bị hỏng xe dọc đường, có thể:

  • Gọi số hotline của Tigit để thông  báo và được hỗ trợ
  • Đưa xe đến tiệm sửa xe gần nhất (ưu tiên các cửa hàng Honda / Yamaha / Suzuki chính hãng)
  • Thông báo chi phí sửa chữa đến số hotline của Tigit, sửa và chi trả
  • Tigit sẽ bồi hoàn lại chi phí sửa chữa khi bạn trả xe.

Chắc các bạn cũng biết mất cắp xe cũng là một trong những rủi ro có thể xảy ra khi bạn thuê xe. Để hạn chế tối đa việc mất cắp xe, bạn cần:

  • Luôn sử dụng bãi đỗ xe, gửi xe có bảo vệ
  • Mang xe vào trong nhà nghỉ, khách sạn vào ban đêm
  • Đảm bảo nhà nghỉ, khách sạn của bạn có người trông giữ xe.

Trong trường hợp rủi ro xảy ra mất cắp, khách hàng cần chịu trách nhiệm bồi hoàn giá trị của xe đã thuê. Giá trị của xe luôn được ghi rõ ở hợp đồng thuê xe, và tùy theo tình trạng cũ mới của xe mà sẽ có giá khác nhau.


Tuy nhiên, đây không phải là bảo hiểm xe máy (tờ giấy vàng) mà bạn hay thấy. Bảo hiểm xe máy này hoàn toàn vô dụng trong việc bảo hiểm xe, và chưa hề có ai lấy được tiền bảo hiểm này.

Thay vào đó, Tigit cung cấp gói bảo hiểm hư hại xe trong trường hợp xảy ra tai nạn, va chạm dọc đường:

  • Chi trả toàn bộ chi phí sửa chữa xe phát sinh khi xảy ra va chạm, tai nạn dọc đường
  • Không bao gồm chi phí vận chuyển xe trở về văn phòng Tigit
  • Không bao gồm bất cứ chi phí gì liên quan đến người cầm lái, người ngồi sau và bên thứ ba có liên quan.
  • Chỉ chi trả trong trường hợp va chạm và tai nạn. Thiệt hại gây ra do phá hoại, mất cắp không nằm trong khả năng chi trả của bảo hiểm này.
  1. Cung cấp cho mình thông tin về chuyến đi của bạn, bao gồm:
    Ngày đi, ngày trả, địa điểm lấy xe, địa điểm trả xe
    Loại xe cần thuê
  2. Tigit sẽ kiểm tra lịch thuê xe và thông báo cho bạn
  3. Đặt cọc giữ xe và chốt lịch hẹn
  4. Có mặt tại văn phòng Tigit ở địa điểm lấy xe và ngày bạn đã chọn, và bắt đầu hành trình!

Bạn có thể liên hệ Tigit qua:

  • Bảng tính giá thuê xe ở trang chủ, sau khi bạn điền phiếu, email sẽ tự động gửi đến bộ phận hỗ trợ của Tigit. Tigit sẽ liên hệ với bạn qua email này
  • email
  • Chat trực tiếp ở Facebook

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