Tour Pictures & Video


Located in district 9 of Ho Chi Minh, around 20 minutes from Tigit Motorbikes is a small offroad track with sand driving, small obstacles and even a jump or two.

For two hours Tigit Todd will give an offroad lesson, ranging from beginner to intermediate.

  • Learn the basics of clutch control
  • Standing position
  • How to get over obstacles
  • How to wheely a 150cc motorbike
  • How to do small jumps

The lesson provided by Todd will provide a platform that will help you develop quickly into an intermediate rider, ready to tackle some of our offroad trails.

Who this tour is for

Beginner to intermediate riders wanting to kickstart their knowledge off-roading. With a couple of lessons you should be ready to hit the trails!
It is also great for a tourist wanting to explore some more adventurous routes during their travel. Nothing better than an off-road lesson in the middle of Saigon.

*Note; you must be able to ride a manual motorbike to sign up for the training. Tigit also provides lessons for riders new to manual motorbikes.

Tour Itinerary



Meet at Tigit motorbikes to fit your rental gear and test drive your off-road bike.

Depart from Tigit, and after a short ride to the track, training begins.

*The track does get very hot. It’s recommended booking your session in the morning, or late afternoon

Tour Prices

The standard bike for the lesson is the Honda CRF 150 equipped for offroad use.
Boots, knee and elbow pads are provided for free.

All inclusive – Honda CRF 150

$40 USD for one person
+$20 USD for each additional signup

The Motorbikes we use

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