Motorcycle camping gear can be broken down into two main categories. Hardcore adventure moto gear that gets used daily for weeks or possibly years. Or, the weekender gear that only needs to last for a few road trips over the summer. Depending on which rider you are can help decide what equipment you need and what your investment needs to be.
Bike Camping Tents
This type of shelter allows the camper and the motorcycle to keep out of the elements. Sometimes used by solo travelers, the size of these sleeping facilities is more ideal for 2 up motorcycle gear sharing. It’s important to know when you plan to camp, no one wants to set up a damp camp for weeks. For adv travelers looking for freedom, get your whistle wet with these Vietnam adventure itineraries, then start packing.
Lonerider Mototent. One of the best adv tent options in this style, built with quality all around.
- Weight. 5.44kg.
- Size. 2 man.
- Pack Size. 60cm x 20cm.
- Waterproof. 10,000mm exterior and floor.
- Cost. $540.
- High quality.
Redverz Solo Expedition. An excellent design for you and the moto to sleep inside. With extra vestibule space for the rest of your adventure riding gear.
- Weight. 5.4kg
- Size. One man.
- Pack Size. 53cm x 18cm
- Waterproof. 4,000mm exterior. 10,000mm floor.
- Cost. $499
- High quality.
VUZ Moto 12-Foot. A functional motorcycle tent for short-term use. If you just need something for a summer road trip, this will do.
- Weight. 6.2kg
- Size. Two man.
- Pack Size. 60cm x 35cm
- Waterproof. 10,000mm floor.
- Cost. $239
- Minimal use, occasional weekend outings.
Bike Camping Tent Pros
| Bike Camping Tent Cons
Backpacker Tents
The most popular and versatile of the motorcycle sleeping shelter options. This style of portable accommodation comes in an array of sizing and quality options to suit your travel style and budget. When narrowing down bike touring tents, you’ll want to consider how many seasons it is. A 3-season vs a 4-season design makes a big difference in weather protection.
MSR Hubba Hubba NX
- Weight. 1.54kg
- Size. Two man.
- Pack Size. 46cm x 15cm
- Waterproof. 12,000mm exterior. 3,000mm floor.
- Cost. $559
- Premium quality.
Big Anges Copper Spur HV UL 2
- Weight. 1kg
- Size. Two man.
- Pack Size. 10cm x 50cm
- Waterproof. 12,000mm exterior. 10,000mm floor.
- Cost. $399
- Quality.
The North Face Stormbreak 2
- Weight. 2.33kg
- Size. Two man.
- Pack Size. 18cm x 56cm
- Waterproof. 1,200mm exterior. 1,500mm floor.
- Cost. $159
- Weekend use.
Backpacking Tent Pros
| Backpacking Tent Cons
Tents | Price | Weight | Pack Size | Use |
Lonerider Mototent | $540 | 5.44kg | 60cm x 20cm | Long term |
Redverz Solo Expedition | $499 | 5.40kg | 53cm x 18cm | Long term |
VUZ Moto 12ft | $239 | 6.20kg | 60cm x 35cm | Weekend |
MSR Hubba Hubba NX | $559 | 1.54kg | 46 x 15cm | Long term |
Big Anges Copper Spur HV UL 2 | $399 | 1.00kg | 10cm x 50cm | Long term |
The North Face Stormbreak 2 | $159 | 2.33kg | 18cm x 56cm | Weekend |
Trying To Decide Where To Go On Your Next Two Wheeled Adventure? We Compared The Best Motorcycle Countries In The World To Get You Started
Bivy Sacks & Tarps
Looking for the most lightweight and easiest packing options for your biker bedroll, look no further than your basic tarp or quality Bivy Bag. A tarp can be tied to your motorcycle providing a simple A-frame shelter and whereas a Bivy Bag makes you into a human cocoon.
Sierra Designs Backcountry Bivy
- Weight. 0.40kg
- Waterproof. Top 10,000mm. Bottom 1,200mm
- Pack Size. 25cm x 10cm
- Cost. $149
- Quality Bivy with 6cm inflatable base.
Outdoor Research Helium Bivy
- Weight. 0.50kg
- Waterproof.
- Pack Size. 32cm x 10cm
- Cost. $179
- Quality Bivy.
Exposed Bivouac
- Weight. 2.3kg
- Material. 500 Denier Cordura® Classic
- Pack Size. 15cm x 45cm
- Cost. $455
- High quality (overpriced) tarp.
Tarp 180cm x 240cm
- Weight. 0.5kg
- Material. Polyethylene
- Pack Size. 30cm x 15cm x 2cm
- Cost. $7
- Standard quality tarp for short term or emergency use.
Bivy & Tarp Pros
| Bivy & Tarp Cons
Bivys & Tarps | Price | Weight | Pack Size | Use |
Sierra Designs Backcountry Bivy | $149 | 0.40kg | 25cm x 10cm | Long term |
Outdoor Research Helium Bivy | $179 | 0.50kg | 32cm x 10cm | Long term |
Exposed Bivouac | $455 | 2.3kg | 15cm x 45cm | Weekend or to impress non-campers |
Trap 180cm x 240cm | $7 | 0.50kg | 30cm x 15cm x 2cm | Emergency or minimalist use |
Warbonnet Ridgerunner Hammock
- Weight. 0.60kg
- Design. Enclosed mosquito & bug netting.
- Pack Size. 18cm x 12cm x 10cm
- Cost. $149
- Quality hammock designed for long term use.
ENO DoubleNest Hammock
- Weight. 0.55kg
- Design. Enclosed mosquito & bug netting.
- Pack Size. 12cm x 10cm x 8cm
- Cost. $59
- Mid-range hammock for occasional use. .
Hammock Pros
| Hammock Cons
Hammocks | Price | Weight | Pack Size | Use |
Warbonnet Ridgerunner Hammock | $149 | 0.60kg | 18cm x 12cm x 10cm | Long term |
ENO DoubleNest Hammock | $59 | 0.55kg | 12cm x 10cm x 8cm | Mid/Short term use |
Motorcycle Camping Cooking Gear
Food, clothing, and shelter are the basic needs you need to meet. For me, food ranks as #1 on that list. Depending on the length of your travel will determine how you plan to meet that need. Stoves to cook with come in a variety of options and each will have its own benefits. On a remote or overseas trip you’ll want to come fully prepared. Outside of the western world you aren’t likely to find technical stoves built to the same standard, or fuel for them.
MSR Dragonfly Stove With 887ml Bottle
- Weight. 0.51kg stove. Bottle 887ml
- Fuel. Burns white gas, kerosene, unleaded auto fuel, diesel, and jet fuel.
- Pack Size. 15cm x 15cm x 4cm stove. 8cm x 28cm bottle
- Cost. $139 stove. $24 bottle
- High quality.
MSR PocketRocket 2 & 227g Fuel Canister
- Weight. 73g Compact PocketRocket. 336g fuel.
- Fuel. MSR IsoPro Fuel
- Pack Size. 4.5cm x 3.5cm PocketRocket. 10cm x 10cm x 17cm
- Cost. $45 PocketRocket. Fuel $7.
- High quality. You’ll need to be prepared with MSR or similar fuel canisters.
Esbit Ultra-light Folding Pocket Stove
- Weight. 0.18kg
- Fuel. Smokeless 12-minute fuel tables
- Pack Size. 9.8 x 7.7 x 2.3 cm
- Cost. $13
- Quality. Ideal for minimalist & good for what it is, but not long term.
Matches & Luck
- Weight. 2g
- Fuel. Phosphorus
- Pack Size. 5cm x 2.5cm x 1.5cm
- Cost. $0.30
- High quality, but will require striking some luck out in the woods.
Cooking Gear Pros
| Cooking Gear Cons
Cooking Gear | Price | Weight | Pack Size | Use |
MSR Dragonfly Stove with 887ml bottle | $163 for the set | 0.70kg for the set | 23cm x 43cm x 8cm total | High quality |
MSR PocketRocket 2 & 227g fuel canister | $52 for the set | 0.41kg | 14.5cm x 13.5cm x 20.5cm total | Quality for mid/short term use. |
Esbit Ultralight Folding Pocket Stove | $13 | 0.18kg | 9.8cm x 7.7cm x 2.3cm | Weekend use. |
Matches & Luck | $0.30 | 2g | 5cm x 2.5cm x 1.5cm | High quality. Requires luck! |
Sleeping Bags and Mats
Bundling up in a warm or cooling bag as well as getting up and off the ground will ensure a quality night’s sleep. Bags are typically made from down or synthetic. Down is better quality and provides better insulation, where synthetic is easier to wash and usually cheaper. When it comes to mats it’s important to look at their “R-Value”. The amount of insulating resistance they have. Measured from 1(low) to 11(very insulated).
Some bags will come with a mini-repair kit in the event of a rip, but if you ever need a full-blown replacement or didn’t bring one, you might be backtracking to the nearest big city. In North America & Europe life’s easy, you just place your order online and wait two-days for it to show up. When you are riding the Hai Gang Loops in the cold mountains north of Hanoi you might be buying blankets.
Pro Tip: There are online groups like FaceBook group “Overlander Mules”. A network of people that travel around the world on bikes or in vehicles. Often you can find someone coming from one continent to another to bring you spare parts or small gear.
Therm-a-Rest Hyperion 32 UL
- Weight. 0.52kg
- Material. Down filled.
- Rating. Comfortable to 0oc
- Pack Size. 14cm x 15cm
- Cost. $469 regular size
- High quality.
Kelty Cosmic 20
- Weight. 1.17kg
- Material. Down filled.
- Rating. Comfortable to 0oc
- Pack Size. 20cm x 38cm
- Cost. $179 regular size
- Mid-range quality.
Coleman Raymer
- Weight. 1.81kg
- Material.Synthetic.
- Rating. Comfortable to 5oc
- Pack Size. 25cm x 40cm
- Cost. $34.99
- Low quality.
Sleeping Bags | Price | Weight | Pack Size | Use |
Therm-a-Rest Hyperion 32 UL | $469 | 0.52kg | 14cm x 15cm | High quality |
Kelty Cosmic 20 | $179 | 1.17kg | 20cm x 38cm | Mid quality |
Coleman Raymer | $34 | 1.81kg | 25cm x 40cm | Low quality |
NeoAir® XTherm
- Weight. 0.43kg
- Thickness. 6.3cm
- R-value. 6.9
- Pack Size. 23cm x 10cm
- Cost. $274
- High quality.
Klymit Static V2
- Weight. 0.46kg
- Thickness. 6.5cm
- R-value. 1.3
- Pack Size. 7cm x 20cm
- Cost. $49
- Mid to low quality.
Therm-a-Rest RidgeRest SOLite
- Weight. 0.40kg
- Thickness. 1.58cm
- R-value. 2.1
- Pack Size.20cm x 50cm
- Cost. $19
- Basic quality.
Bags & Mats Pros
| Bags & Mats Cons
Sleeping Bags | Price | Weight | Pack Size | Use |
Therm-a-Rest Hyperion 32 UL | $469 | 0.52kg | 14cm x 15cm | High quality |
Kelty Cosmic 20 | $179 | 1.17kg | 20cm x 38cm | Mid quality |
Coleman Raymer | $34 | 1.81kg | 25cm x 40cm | Low quality |
Should I Buy Gear Overseas Or Bring It With Me?
In the western world almost every product you get your hands on was built in Asia. This would make you think that those products would be in abundant supply when you get there, and cheaper! Not likely. You aren’t likely to find the Vietnamese lined up at markets to buy $250 sleeping bags and $150 backcountry stoves, but there are options.
Where to buy camping gear in Vietnam? FanFan is the go-to camping shop in Ho Chi Minh, Danang & Hanoi. They have a basic selection of camping gear in band names that you might not have heard of, but will cover your camping needs.
You’ll want to acquire your specialty and high tech equipment at home. If you forgot something or need to source a replacement, there are always options.
Bring From Home
- Stoves
- Fancy tents
- Specialty mats
- Water filters
- Exact motorcycle luggage
- Waterproof & quality flashlights/torches/headlamps
- Moisture wicking and anti-bacterial clothes
- Compact hammock with bug netting
Source Overseas
- Tarps
- Straps
- Basic First Aid supplies
- Standard dry bags
- Basic flashlights/torches/headlamps
- Matches & lighters
- Standard warm or cool weather clothes
- Standard hammock

What Type Of Motorcycle Camper Am I?
I’m going on a camping adventure and trying to decide what type of motorcycle camper I am. If you’re looking to go on a long term trip from 3-weeks to 3-years, quality & weight should win out over price. On a weekend trip or adventures that only come around a couple of times of year, you can usually get away with heavier and cheaper equipment. However, the best motorcycle for camping won’t make any difference if your loaded down and unbalanced. We don’t recommend having more than 15kgs in added weight strapped to your standard 500cc and under motorcycle.
Basic set up for long term travel:
- Tent: MSR Hubba Hubba NX $559. 1.54kg
- Bag: Therm-a-Rest Hyperion 32 UL. $469. 0.52kg
- Pad/Mat: NeoAir® XTherm. $274. 0.43kg
- Cooking: MSR Dragonfly Stove with 887ml bottle. $163. 0.70kg
- Total cost $ 1465
- Total weight 3.19kg
Basic set up for weekend travel:
- Tent: The North Face Stormbreak 2 $159. 2.33kg
- Bag: Coleman Raymer. $34. 1.81kg
- Pad/Mat: Therm-a-Rest RidgeRest SOLite. $19. 0.40kg
- Cooking: Esbit Ultralight Folding Pocket Stove. $13. 0.18kg
- Total cost $225
- Total weight 4.72kg
Above is your basic set up to get you out of town. For excursions into the backcountry you will want to consider taking additional safety and comfort supplies.
Things to Take on a Motorcyle Trip
- First Aid Kit.
- Rain gear, warm clothes, cool weather clothes.
- Personal items and toiletries
- Solar or USB charger on your motorcycle for electronics.
- Flashlight/Torch/Headlamp.
- ROK Straps or similar. Good for tying things down, getting firewood, hanging food away from animals. Check out our moto-packing video with Rok Straps.
- Food & Water.
- Kitchen items like pots, pans, and utensils.
- Hard or soft luggage?
- Pack confidently, but not with too much stuff.
Conclusion. It’s said that you can never be too prepared, this saying might be more harmful than helpful if you’re riding a motorcycle weighed down by an unmanageable amount of luggage. Determine what type of motorcycle adventurer you are going to be and plan accordingly. As you start to expand your global footprint, consider the cost savings and freedom of traveling to Asia. Have a look at bike prices and options in Vietnam to get you started. You’ll never forget an adventure like this.