- In our opinion YES!
- Every tourist destination is within 1 days drive of eachother.
- Vietnamese are helpful and friendly. Willing to help a foreigner in distress.
- Public transport and trucks are amazing. Clients can be rescued from nearly anywhere (eventually). Tigit has a wide reach!
- Food and hotels are everywhere.
- Vietnamese are everywhere. Think you are alone? Chances are a bushmen is watching you!
- Motorbikes are low powered, road speeds are slow.
- Gas stations are everywhere.
- Mechanic shops are everywhere.
- Everything is cheap. Money can buy you out of nearly any situation.
- Vietnam has mild weather (ignore the news). Storms are quickly dealt with. Temperatures are never extreme.
- Rainy season is manageable, again ignore the news. There is no “right” or “wrong” time to travel Vietnam.
- English is nearly everywhere (speak slowly and calmly). People do understand.